Thursday, November 1, 2007

Monsieur Nic Cage hates Bees

I heard quite a bit about the quality of this movie and I must say, those comments did not do this movie any justice. There's too many great parts.

From Nicolas Cage karate kicking some woman to the wall, him screaming about the pain of bees attacking his face, repeatedly asking about how a mask gets burned or him dressed up like a bear and punching a woman.

I know that sometimes video clips and such are only funny because they have been taken out of its original context, but trust me there can be no backstory to any of these scenes that make them less insanely hilarious.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Godfather- if I could recast it

So there's this contest for American Gangster that asks the participant who they would recast for the Godfather. Obviously, no one can replace the cast in the Godfather, but I came up with a list.

Michael- Benecio Del Toro

Don Vito- really difficult choice but Frank Langella. Or if it's a remake, CG in Marlon Brando

Sonny- Dominic West- his portrayal as Jimmy McNulty is awesome in "The Wire"

Tom- Peter Krause- he's like the All American Guy with a dark side.

Fredo- Javier Bardem

Kay- Zooey Deschanel

Connie- Catherine Zeta Jones

Jack Woltz- Alan Arkin

McClusky- Powers Boothe-such an awesome name, and this dude plays great authority figures that are also really mean corrupt mother fuckers

Johnny Fontaine- Jude Law

Moe Green- Edward norton

Sollozo "the turk"- Cliff Curtis- he played Pablo Escobar in "Blow"

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another 300 Parody, but with America's Founding Fathers

Man sometimes I love Robot Chicken, sometimes I blame it for everything stupid that I done. But this is one of those times where I love Robot Chicken.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend Box office

30 Days of Night $16M $16M
Why Did I Get Married? $12.1M $38.9M
The Game Plan $8.12M $69.2M
Michael Clayton $7.1M $22M
Gone Baby Gone $6M $6M
The Comebacks
$5.85M $5.85M
We Own the Night $5.5M $19.8M
The Nightmare Before Christmas
$5.14M $5.14M
Rendition $4.17M $4.17M
The Heartbreak Kid $3.9M $32.1M

This weekend, people were getting pumped(or maybe costume ideas) for Halloween with "30 Days of Night" as it took the number one spot in the box office while taking $16 million from the American movie watching public. Which is probably why "Why Did I Get Married?" get to only number two in the box office. The other new comer, and movie I want to see, "Gone Baby Gone" debuted at number six.
Directed by Ben Affleck and starring his bro Casey Afflect.

"The Comebacks" probably won't comeback to the top ten next week, debuting at number 6 shows that people are finally not giving a shit about retarded spoofs that I definitely know I can write.

Speaking of not giving shit, not many people really gave too much of a shit about spending Friday night or the weekend being lectured about the morality of torture. "Redition" debuted at number nine with $4.17 million. Gosh weird people. What do you spend your weekend doing? having fun! pshh! retards.

And Jack Skeleton proved he's still the hotness and in 3D with "Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3D debuted this weekend about serious ass "Rendition."

Friday, October 19, 2007

Southpark 300 Trailer D-Yikes!

300 Spoofin

Meet the Spartans
src="" flashvars="m=20263260&v=2&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="346" width="430"

Here's the trailer for a 300 spoof that's coming out next year. Why do I say "a 300 spoof?" like this isn't the only one? That's because there's another one coming out too. This one, called "Meet the Spartans," was originally called "Hunting and Fishing(and still is on IMDB)" looks like Spartan shit as you can see from the shitty trailer. Yes that's Method Man as one of the Persians.

There's another one that National Lampoon is making called "The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Wallace Leonidas." That's sort of funny, but not really.

South Park made very funny and clever spoof that was even broadcast a month after 300 was released in theaters. You should definitely check it out here. To get an idea, check out a trailer some person made for youtube. I don't want to say bored person, but you know.

height='350' width='425' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src=''/>

Samuel L Jackson's inspirational speech

This was the best part of Deep Blue Sea. Samuel L Jackson makes an important and inspirational speech to his fellow survivors of the genetically enhanced evil sharks. This speech is probably one of the best inspirational speech scenes in movies because it cleverly furthers the plot and parodies inspirational speeches at the same time. Plus without this scene, one of the funniest lines on the Dave Chappelle skit below wouldn't have existed.

If only they had the original Samuel Adams commercial this is parodying because if you've seen that commercial, this video becomes fucking immortal. I think my testicle exploded after this skit, then rebuilt itself, realized what caused the testicular explosion, then exploded again, and then repaired itself but did not repair it's sense of humor function so it won't blow up again. I know there are subtitles on the bottom, but hey this version had better sound quality than the one without subs. So Bem fresquinha como as P+++s, filhos da p+++s, to me!!!