Saturday, October 27, 2007

Godfather- if I could recast it

So there's this contest for American Gangster that asks the participant who they would recast for the Godfather. Obviously, no one can replace the cast in the Godfather, but I came up with a list.

Michael- Benecio Del Toro

Don Vito- really difficult choice but Frank Langella. Or if it's a remake, CG in Marlon Brando

Sonny- Dominic West- his portrayal as Jimmy McNulty is awesome in "The Wire"

Tom- Peter Krause- he's like the All American Guy with a dark side.

Fredo- Javier Bardem

Kay- Zooey Deschanel

Connie- Catherine Zeta Jones

Jack Woltz- Alan Arkin

McClusky- Powers Boothe-such an awesome name, and this dude plays great authority figures that are also really mean corrupt mother fuckers

Johnny Fontaine- Jude Law

Moe Green- Edward norton

Sollozo "the turk"- Cliff Curtis- he played Pablo Escobar in "Blow"

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